Pavilion Trust
The Pavilion Trust meets monthly at the pavilion. The purpose of the meeting is to manage the operation of the pavilion and to develop the facilities and offerings to the village.
A typical agenda would be;
100 club draw
Pavilion operations and maintenance
Development of the pavilion
Working with the Parish Council
Any other business
Please see the Pavilion News page for updates on what we are working on.
The Pavilion is run by a group of trustees and is a registered charity - the link is at the bottom of this page.
The list of trustees are;
Mark Winson-Pearce (Chair and Treasurer)
Eileen Adams (Secretary)
Julie Taylor
Liz Day
Sarah Howell
Mel Hughes
Sir Douglas Oakervee
All the above can be reached via our email address @: [email protected] You can also contact the Chair by phone on: 07887 986142
Click below for Register of Charity for Ashley Pavilion Trust